Saturday, December 11, 2010

Joseph - Man of Faith, Man of God

God had a plan for Joseph, and he has one for you, too.
Will you say “YES!” to God?

Can you just imagine what must have gone through Joseph’s mind and heart when he learned that Mary was pregnant? Anger, indignation, betrayal, hurt, confusion. I’m sure Mary pleaded her case to him and he found it hard to believe. But the Bible says “being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, he resolved to divorce her quietly.” (Matthew 1:19) Clearly he had feelings for Mary and loved her enough to try to save her from death by stoning.

As a faithful Jewish man, Joseph knew the prophecies of the Old Testament that foretold a virgin birth of the lineage of King David that would be the Messiah. His faith in the Word of God was key to why he was chosen to be the adoptive father of God’s Son. God knew that with a little prompting from his messenger angel, Joseph would step up to the plate and be the father Jesus needed, and the husband he had promised to be for Mary. Whether he fully understood that Jesus was the intended Messiah and God’s Son is less important than the fact that he accepted God’s plan for him…without question… and he said “Yes!” to God. I can imagine that God spoke to Joseph’s heart and said something like this… “Be not afraid. Be my faithful servant. Say ‘Yes’ to me. Adopt my Son as your own. Be the compassionate and strong father and husband I have created you to be. Trust in my plans for you. I will never let you fail. I will protect you and prosper you. I will provide for all your needs, always. Have faith in Me.”

And so…Joseph marries Mary, adopts Jesus as his own Son, loves him, protects him by running to Egypt for safety when warned by an angel, fears for Jesus’ safety when he is missing in Jerusalem, and teaches the man who would build bridges to heaven the trade of carpentry. Joseph says “Yes” to God and adopts Jesus as his own son, in faithful servitude to the God in whom he puts his faith.

How often do we say, “Why us? What now?” We may not understand God’s grand plan for us and we are frequently beset by anxious times, but yet we are called to say “Yes” to God. Listen to your heart. If we just love those given to our care, why should we not have the faith of Joseph that God will take care of us?

May the blessings of our Lord be the joy that makes your Christmas merry!

Live Nativity
Today and Tomorrow
Dec. 11 & 12
4:30 - 8:00 pm
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
335 Reynolds Ave.
Parsippany, NJ 07054

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