Friday, December 31, 2010

My New Year's Resolution

Let God take care of the road
Wear Jesus for my seat belt
Let the Holy Spirit program my GPS/map (I’m kind of a map person myself)

There is a song by Carrie Underwood called “Jesus Take the Wheel.” In the song she sings about how she’s been travelling the road [of life] too fast, has got a baby in the back seat, hits a patch of ice, the car starts spinning out of control and in her desperation of being unable to right the situation and gain control of the car, she throws her hands up in the air and pleads, “Jesus take the wheel!”

When I first heard this song I thought, “Wow, that’s faith!” and then I thought, “But it’s rather stupid to let go of the wheel.”

How hard it is for us to truly let Jesus “take the wheel.” To truly let it all go and give it all, and I mean ALL of it, over to Jesus’ care. I’ve had a rough year or so being out of work, like so many other people. I’ve been struggling with “what I want to be when I grow up.” I’ve tried to let God direct me in where I should search for jobs and what I should do - career change or similar path, part-time or full-time, non-profit or for-profit, 5 miles from home or 20, go back to school in a similar field or something different - but I’ve not really, and I mean REALLY, given it all over to Him. I keep thinking I’m going to figure this out.

You know that when you hit the ice you’re not supposed to hit the brakes. Your supposed to take your foot off the gas (in other words, let the car slow down), let the wheels roll and continue to search for traction. If you slam on the brakes, your tires will just slide, breaking the co-efficient of sliding friction (a term of physics according to my hubby). You’re also not supposed to grip the wheel tightly, but rather let it slide loosely through your hands allowing the car to straighten out its wheels in the direction of the skid. Then as you feel the car grip the road and gather traction you can tighten your grip on the wheel and steer out of trouble.

What a GREAT analogy for how we should let God take over when we hit that patch of trouble!

So, that’s my New Year Resolution: Let God take care of the road, Let Jesus be my seat belt [Savior] (plus always wear my car seat belt, of course), and Let the Holy Spirit program my GPS/map.

What’s your New Year Resolution?

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