Monday, May 9, 2011

Nickel by dime by quarter by dollar - Thank YOU!

Nickel by dime by quarter by dollar.  Everything was priced to sell and boy did we sell it! 

Thank you to everyone who donated to or shopped at our Yard Sale to benefit our Youth Group.  Your donations/purchases will help send our Youth and their chaperones to the 2012ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans next summer.  As those who attended the 2009 event will tell you, it is a life-changing event. 

Memories are made that will last a life-time.  Worship experiences will be had that will likely be unrivaled in their lives.  Servant experiences will leave impressions that will never be forgotten.

This Yard Sale was the first big step in the fund-raising and bonding process that makes for a fun trip together.  The kids were terrific.  They were responsible for making the “financial transactions” of each sale.  They learned a lot about salesmanship in the process.   They learned about working together.  They learned more about each other and began cementing friendships that will grow and flourish as they work toward their goal.  Adults helped by helping shoppers, moving and displaying merchandise, condensing tables, and moving stuff “forward and out”  (out of our Friendship Hall, down the hall, into the narthex and finally into the parking lot) as there was room and things were sold.  People who don’t have kids in the Youth program showed up to help, they love and believe in our kids that much.

Because of you, our kids are $2500 on their way to New Orleans.

Thank you, thank you,  thank you.
Come worship with us on Sunday, 8:30 & 10:45 am

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