Friday, June 3, 2011

A Matter of Perspective and Faith

Oooh boy.  Yesterday I turned 45.  I remember being 10 and thinking that 45 was SOOOO OLD….like a dinosaur old, that’s almost HALF A CENTURY!!! 

It’s all a matter of perspective.

Now I don’t even really think of people as “old.”

Because I’m never going to be old.

Sometimes I might FEEL old, but I’m never going to BE old.

There are too many things to learn to BE old.

With my family genetics and advances in health care, I’ve probably got a good chance of living to be 90 years old or more.  So in that sense I’ve only lived half my life, maybe even less than half.  I’ve got another half (or more) to go, and a lot of living to do.  And yet, tomorrow it could be cut short, too.  (Rapture anyone?)

In some ways, I feel like my life is just getting started all over again.  My kids are mostly grown and in a few short years will likely no longer live with us.  I’m at a place where I am searching out new career options and will likely embark on something new before long.  The future is wide open.  It’s scary.  It’s exciting.  I feel like I’m learning to walk all over again, and soon someone is going to say it’s time to learn to RUN!

When I started 2011, I told you (faithful readers) that I resolved to let the Holy Spirit guide me.  I’ve been trying to pay attention for “God-signs” in my life, to point me in that direction.  As I look at this “mid-point” in my life I realize that I’ve got a long way to go and I’d really better put it all in God’s hands, or things could get rough.  But I also think to myself, “just think of the possibilities if I truly let God adjust the sails, hold the rudder and sail with His winds instead of against them.”

What will I become then?  What might I accomplish then?  How will God shine through me next?

I’m only half way there.  The journey so far has been filled with blessings, even though I have frequently faltered on the path.  I know that no matter where I journey, if I trust God to lead, I’ll never be alone and things will turn out just fine in the end.

It’s a matter of perspective.  It’s a matter of faith.

So bring on the next 45 years!  I’m ready!

Are you?

Join us for worship.  Sundays at 9:30 am through Labor Day.

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