Monday, February 14, 2011

Who wrote your Valentine card?

Did you ever wonder about the people who write those Valentine’s Hallmark cards? Penning proclamations of love for people you don’t know must be a bit of a challenge.

I mean, how long do you search through all those Valentine’s Day cards looking for just the right one? Think of all the scenarios those writers have to prepare for… the long-time married couple, the new date, the friend who is hoped to become more than friends, the divorcee, the widower finding new love, the love of friends, etc. Then take each of those scenarios and you’ve got to create the mushy sentiment, the humorous sentiment, the serious sentiment, the religious sentiment, etc. It’s a wonder you can find that perfect card. Sometimes we make our own.

I know someone who makes His own cards everyday. Actually, He sends a Valentine to you every minute of every day. God, your creator, is your everyday Valentine and He has sent the Holy Spirit to live within you (and me) to make sure you know that you are never alone. God has paid an extraordinary price for this gift; he has given His only Son as the price to guarantee that you (and I) will be with Him forever and for us to know that His love is guaranteed.

God knows your every thought and heart beat. He can pen a Valentine for your every experience to ensure you know that you are loved.

Are you opening the mail?

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