Sunday, March 20, 2011

Joining Nicodemus on his Lenten Journey

In worship today we joined Nicodemus, a Pharisee (Jewish religious leader) in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus, on his Lenten journey. Through Nicodemus we learn that God is calling us to change…to turn away from our old beliefs and our old ways of thinking and turn toward a new life with Him.

In accepting this new life with Jesus, we are born again, a concept that is puzzling to Nicodemus.

Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night to speak with Him for clarification and learning. The Pharisees’ encounters with Jesus during the day are hostile, but Nicodemus senses that Jesus has important things to teach him about God. He recognizes “You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” John 3:2 In his quest for knowledge and understanding about God, Nicodemus visits Jesus at the risk of the scorn of the other Pharisees who doubt Jesus is anyone special. His heart is already on the journey to being born again into a new life, but he does not yet understand.

In the following verses, Jesus tells Nicodemus that the Spirit moves throughout everything and gives new life to all. He alludes to the His death. He tells Nicodemus what a man must do/believe to have eternal life. John 3:3-21

Nicodemus’ head must have been reeling as he left Jesus that night.

His heart was on a Lenten journey.

The next time we meet Nicodemus he has had time to reflect on the things he has heard from Jesus. At risk of ridicule and chastisement, Nicodemus stands at the Jewish court debating the course of action to take against Jesus and proposes that Jesus was not guilty of anything. John 7:50-51 He was on his way to becoming a believer in the things Jesus was preaching and teaching. His heart was changing.

In our last encounter with Nicodemus on his Lenten journey, we find him helping another secret follower of Jesus (Joseph of Arimathea) to secure Jesus’ body from Pilate (the Roman ruler of the area). He brought with him about 100 pounds of spices to aid in Jesus’ burial. John 19:38-42

Again, Nicodemus risks his reputation for his belief in Jesus. He has come to believe in his ability to be re-born into a new life with God. He steps out of hiding, stands before Pilate to retrieve Jesus’ body, and provides for His proper burial. He is a changed man. His Lenten journey is complete.

Are you being born again on your Lenten journey? Leave a comment and tell us what you are doing to connect with the journey God has planned for you.

Read these above passages about Nicodemus in your Bible. Reflect upon them during your Lenten journey, and perhaps you will find yourself at Easter with a changed heart and a born again spirit.

Thursday Lenten Taize worship @ 7:30 pm

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