1. Dogs miss us when we’re gone. Almost every dog comes running when its people come home.
2. Dogs will do just about anything to show us they love us.
3. Dogs will still love us, no matter how many times we screw up.
4. Dogs don’t care what anyone thinks about you.
5. Dogs will protect you and sound the alarm when danger approaches.
6. A dog’s favorite place to be is curled up near you, watching and listening to your every move, even when asleep.
7. Dogs never give up hope.
God’s thumbprint on your dog should help you to see:
1. God misses us when we’re gone too, and welcomes us back with open arms every time we return to Him.2. God will do anything to show us how much He loves us, including sending His only Son to pay the price for our salvation.
3. God loves us no matter what, no matter how many times or how badly we screw up. If we ask for forgiveness, it is given.
4. God doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of you. He passes His own judgment based on what He knows lies in your heart and mind.
5. God will always be by your side, even if we can’t see or feel Him. We are never alone for He has given us His Holy Spirit which lives within us.
6. God is omniscient – He sees everything, in all places, at all times. He is a 24/7/365/lifetime lifeguard.
7. God wants to be in relationship with us. It is why we were created. God never abandons us, even though we might abandon Him.
Now everyone read this next part tongue-in-cheek. J
You did know dogs are dyslexic, right? Dogs think their name is spelled G-O-D, but of course this is the image of the Servant King that they see and fulfill (with the rights of one included…like sleeping on the couch or your bed, because it’s closer to you and he can better protect you…riiiight! Wink, wink).
I have never had a cat, but from what I know of the cats who belong to people I know, cats seem to have a God-complex too, but the Servant King isn’t how they see themselves.
So hey, all you cat owners…how does your cat display the thumbprint of God? Click on the "comments" below to tell us.
Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 16, 10:00 am, Don't be late. Rain or shine. For children up to age 10. Refreshments served. FREE!
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