Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jesus ramps it up in Holy Week

When you read the Gospel accounts of Holy Week I have to stop and wonder if Jesus wasn’t purposely ramping up the religious leaders, goading them into plotting his death.

In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, we hear multiple stories of Jesus agitating the religious leadership shortly after His triumphal ride into Jerusalem met by cheering crowds:

Jesus turns over the tables of the money changers in the temple and rebukes the chief priests and scribes; 

He agitates them further when He challenges them when they question by whose authority He does His teaching.

He goads them further when He tells the parable of the wicked vine-growers, alluding to the religious leaders being the vine-growers. 

He outright warns the people listening to Him to “beware the scribes…”

It is no wonder that they plotted to kill Jesus.  He was undermining their authority and showing them up to be liars and thieves.  He was gaining favor with the people and turning them away from the traditions and practices which the religious leadership sought to preserve as a right to gain power and wealth.

So dangerous was this Jesus of Nazareth that it would be only days until those in power would try to claim victory by His death.

Little did they know that by His death, Jesus would be victorious over all.

Isn’t it ironic that we seek to silence the voices who call us to question the status quo or stand up against the tyranny of the powerful?  Think Boston Tea Party.  The Holocaust.  Tiananmen Square.  Egypt.  Libya. Lebanon. Israelites and Palestinians. Sudan. Uganda.  Women’s Suffragists. Civil rights marches.  Those who protest for and against the rights of gays and lesbians, transgendered and transsexuals. 

Revolts and revolutions abound…throughout history and our current daily news.

What about those who stand up or speak out with in the church?  Do we let their voices be heard?  Or do we drive them out?  Maybe Holy Week is also a good week to think about the other voices among us who challenge us to think outside the box as we worship, study, and fellowship together.

What would Jesus think about the way your church worships and conducts its ministry?
Join us tomorrow for Maundy Thursday.  Dinner at 6:30 pm, bring an item to share. Free-will offering. Worship @ 7:45 pm with Holy Communion and foot washing.
Join us Good Friday at 7:30 pm for a Tenebrae Service of lengthening shadows/increasing darkness.

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