Friday, April 22, 2011

And we crucified him...

Today is Good Friday.

The Gospels all say some variable of "there they crucified Him." 

Knowing how culpable we all are in the death of Jesus by virtue of our sinful nature, I suggest that we read these verses differently and say, "there we crucified Him."  

Each time we willfully choose to turn our back on God, to turn away from His love and mercy, in search of what the world offers us instead, we crucifiy our Lord again.  For God offers us His Grace...His underserved love and forgiveness...because His Son paid the ransom for our souls so that we might have life eternal with our Father in Heaven. 

If you have any doubt about the suffering Jesus went through on our behalf, check out the link below to a medical doctor's evaluation of the method of execution during Roman rule called crucifixion.

The curtain in the temple that separates us from God was torn in two.
The wall that sin built up between our Father and His children has been torn down.

The world now waits...3 days in darkness...for victory over death to shine forth as we find an empty tomb on Easter morning.

Join us for Easter worship. 8:30 and 10:45 am.  Easter breakfast 9:45 am.  Free-will offering. for directions

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these facts on a good Friday! Thanks indeed!...Daniel
