Thursday, April 21, 2011

Judas' Bad Rep Rap

Judas’ Bad Rep Rap by Tina Levorse

I’ve got a bad rep, that much is true
You’ve heard the story, some of it is gory, but it all had purpose
Yeah…  Yeah…

Jesus was my Lord, my love for Him was true
I’ve been called pariah, but He was my Messiah, and my deed was monstrous
Yeah…  Yeah…

But He chose Me, what could I do
I felt the call, as did we 12 all, to follow this Dude around the land

Feeding the hungry, healing the sick
Crowds pressing in, reaching out to touch his skin, with outstretched hands

Jesus touched their hearts, He touched mine too
I knew He was special, a man from God - celestial, to return Israel to power
Hoping… Hoping …

Why was He not moving?  What’s this talk of death?
Defeat the Romans?  Without even a swordsman?  Why all this passive strolling about town?

He’s pissing off the Pharisees, how will that move Rome?
Breaking bread with friends…will it never end?  I’ll force his hand and make Him wear His crown!
Plotting….. Scheming ….

Three years of austerity.  Where is the posterity?
Three years I’ve waited.   Now I will be hated, for what He is forcing me to do.
Secret….  Meetings  …..

30 silver pieces.   I have betrayed my Lord.
I lead the soldiers to Him.  He still knows that I love Him.  Betrayed with a kiss.
Broken….  Hearted …..

Jesus knew that I would weaken, wasn’t strong enough
To deny the tempter’s power.  Satan filled my final hours.  Redemption for me is lost.
Alone…. alone …..

Oh what have I done?   There is nowhere to run.
I have answered Satan’s call.  Will he win after all?  Because I didn’t understand the plan?
Lost…..  lost …..

Life is not worth living.  I’m not worth forgiving!
No redemption for me.   But with this rope and from that tree…perhaps I’ll end this misery.
Silence…  Stillness…

Jesus’ heart is broken.  Judas refused the token
Of His love.   Forgiveness was his to have.   If he had only asked.  If only he had asked…
Just ask…Just ask…
Come worship with us tonight.  Agape Meal (potluck) 6:30 pm.  Bring an item to share.  Free-will offering.  Maundy Thursday Worship @ 7:45 pm
Good Friday Worship @ 7:30 pm.  Service of lengthening shadows/increasing darkness.
Easter Worship @ 8:30 and 10:45 am, Easter Breakfast @ 9:45 am - free-will offering.

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